Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Good Fortune by Noni Carter

Image result for good fortune by noni carter

Carlos Diaz

Plot Summary
Good Fortune by Noni Carter is a book that follows a young female slave named Ayanna Bahati as she embarks on a dangerous journey in order to find the freedom she believes everyone deserves. What Ayanna wants the most is the right to learn, but the slave owners don't like the idea of slaves getting an education, so Ayanna must seek a place where she can escape her mischievously vile masters and receive an education. But, the only problem with this plan is that she has no idea where to begin. Luckily, she overhears that two people are escaping, so she tags along to see where this action may lead her. But the question remains: Will she find the freedom she's looking for?

Critical Evaluation
I believe that this book deserves a 10/10 because it's filled with suspense. It has various messages on relationships, goals, perseverance, and humility. This book will keep the reader interested in its mysterious plot and interesting characters.

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