Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Little brother


Daniel Bautista

Plot summary:
 Marcus and his friends play a game called Harajuku Fun Madness where they go out to look for clues in order to solve a puzzle. However, one day Marcus and his friends ditch school in order to look for some clues and then it happens: Loud noises are heard and the city is in chaos. Some bombs go off and kill thousands and Marcus and his friends are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are arrested and blamed for the terrorist attack. Now Marcus wants revenge against the Department of Homeland Security.

Critical Evaluation:  
This book was pretty funny and intense and that's what kept me entertained.  However, I would have to rate this book a 7/10 because the plot wasn't all that original or creative. You mess with a guy and he now wants vengeance. Pretty common plot. But the book does have a pretty cool spin to this plot with America going from a free country to a heavily oppressed and patrolled country with cameras and trackers everywhere.

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