Monday, January 26, 2015

The Cellar by Natasha Preston

Isabel Figueroa

Plot Summary 

16-year-old Summer gets kidnapped on her way to a gig at a club a few blocks away from home. Her kidnapper is an insane man named Colin, also known as Clover. Clover just wants a perfect family and his idea of a perfect family are a bundle of pretty flowers. He takes her to a cellar where there are 3 other very pretty girls. Rose, Poppy, Violet and now Lily. All pretty flowers only last awhile but, what happens when they are kept in a cellar with no sun? They soon die, can these flowers survive?

Critical Evaluation 

This book was once on an app called Wattpad where everyday people publish their own stories for free. Natasha Preston's online story was soon turned into a book. Not that many stories make it  out of this app but I rate this a 10 out of 10. It takes you on this journey that makes you understand why this psychopath does all these things to the girls. It takes you to flash backs, present day and on rides to new adventures. This book is a must read!

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