Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Flyboys by James Bradley

Amando Cumagun

Plot Summary
James Bradley is a fighter pilot for the U.S airforce and he and his crew was assigned to a mission to attack Japan island Chichi Jima. James squad gets ready as they wear their gear and get inside the plane. Sixteen hours later, your plane gets taken down by Japanese forces and you get taken to a concentration camp in Chichi Jima. If you were in Chichi Jima and end up in a situation where they beat and torture POW's, what would you do ?

Critical Evaluation
For this book, I give it a 8/10 because it inspired me to believe that giving up is not the answer. In this book, you will see a lot of beating and torture but will also inspire how these POW's never gave up for their own survival.

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