Thursday, September 22, 2016

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

Joseph Gomez-Garcia

Plot summary 
A Child Called It is a book written by Dave Pelzer in which he recounts  the abuse he had to undergo by his own mother on a daily basis. Young Dave would go days without eating and would sleep on the cold concrete floor in the garage . Dave's only source of food was at school where he had to steal lunches. The abuse ranged from several punches in the face, being forced to eat regurgitated food and spoonfulls of ammonia.

" Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun , not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul . Inside my soul become so cold and I hated everything "

Critical evaluation 
This book is a must read because it is a very engaging and descriptive book. It also has several parts  that are very unexpected. It deserves a 10 out of 10 because it is one of the few books I've read and liked.

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