Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard

Image result for a stolen life
Maria Donlucas

Plot Summary
This book is about how a girl named Jaycee got stolen at age 11. She had to overcome physical and mental abuse. Phillip, the guy who captured her, had a drug addiction so when he was on drugs he raped her. She had two children with Phillip at the age of 13 named A and S. Nancy was mostly a friend in the story, even though she helped capture her. At the end, Jaycee escapes and is free.

"I've been screaming for a long time, but I can't remember screaming at all. All of a sudden I hear him laugh. He is saying something about how he can't believe he got away with it. I want to tell him I want to go home. But I am so scared I am afraid to make the man angry. What should I do?"

Critical Evaluation
I would give this book a 9 out of 10. This book is long and it's filled with strong detail and very nail biting moments. One part of the book is boring, but after that it's great. I recommend reading this book if you are into Thrillers and Memoir.

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